TRC BOD Meeting - Minutes for October
Missed this month's meeting, but got last month's minutes.
October meeting minutes (edited) -jlb
1) Ranges Improvement Project Status Have verbal OK from G&F Engineering. Need Plot Plan to file with G&F. Vertical aerial photo to be taken after dirt work in November.
--20 tall berm IAW NRA. Electrical must be brought up to code. HP Sil Range exposed power and must have 3 burial on power. Berm obscuration on PRS range. Note: particular attention to visibility of Turkey target line wrt firing line. (IAW Joe Duchene)
2) Roof Job. Re-bid the metal roof that is structurally deficient. Est. to add $500. ROM of present roof is about $3K, so final job may run $3.5K (plus tax?).
3) PRS Electrical Repairs CC (if necessary) may use Novak commercial license. Repair to electrical outlets. Upgrade three or four to RV 30 Amp capacity. (200 Amp service panel is mounted on E wall of Bathroom/Shower building)
4) Weed-eater purchased and in service.
5) Range Flags Found surplus flags at $20. Evaluate durability of these flags and perhaps buy more while they are available. Suggest we buy 20 flags? Budget $400 for a two year supply. (I dont think this was a motion but was suggested that the range buy safety equipment for depreciation.)
7) Ron Stalker on property RM candidate. Employment offer made. He requests an 8 ½ week travel absence allowance per year. This should not be a problem with our present staff of PT RMs.
1) Nominating Committee 3 volunteers? Bob Ross; Jim Bertrand; Larry Novak. Make report at next meeting (Oct. 15th) October 14th will have a RIC meeting (if possible at TIA) at 6 PM to go over range work plan.
2) NRA Sanctioned Lever Action Silhouette (on Pistol Silhouette Range)? Suggest start in 2004. Joe Duchene will run concurrently with present pistol silhouette matches.
Re-work range operations (in Range O&P manual) to allow low energy lever action rifles to be shot on the range. Joe will run the matches for the initial 5 months of year including (return of) NRA Pistol Silhouette (Hunter Pistol, Long Range, etc.) Need to re-establish the 40 meter chicken target line. Starting in January 2004. What day of month?
4th Sunday move to 4th Saturday? CASS is 1st & 4th Sunday; what are conflicts in other matches around the State? Major Golden has 3rd Saturday in Tombstone. (I didnt hear any positive decision on this matter.)
3) Laptop PC is dead keyboard is not responding. Suggest they look locally for used or refurbished Laptop PC. Price will run between $400 to $700. Dave will try to find local refurbish. Take funds from MD collections in big CAS matches. PC asset becomes responsibility of Brawley Wash/Altar Valley Pistoleros.
Meeting adjourned.