TRC Officers 2004
Well, another year and another election.
Some new blood this year: Al Speert, a long time member and avid Combat Action Shooter, is TRC's new Vice President. When not shooting at TRC, Al can be found fabricating some of the best metallic silhouettes West of the Mississippi.
Bob Ross, our Executive Officer and long time Cowboy Action Shooter, welcomed a special new member to the Board; Safety Officer, Kathy Ross. Welcome aboard Kathy.
As usual, the annual meeting went well. Will Schmall and Larry Novak went over the plans for range improvements. Final meeting with the contractor to take place tomorrow. We hope to begin earth moving in late January 2004.
In other business, the Board voted to rework the Hunter Education Trail based on an BSA Eagle Project proposal by Eagle Scout candidate, Kenneth Luiten. Rework being done in anticipation of increased demand for Hunter Education facilities in 2004.
Finally, warning signs for our perimeter fencing were discussed. An NRA produced warning sign (plastic) was passed around. It looked good and the price is relatively cheap, but the durability of the sign given our intense summer sun was questioned. Al Speert will see if he can produce a templete so these signs can be painted on metal plates--which are hoped can be firmly affixed to our fencing and will last longer in the sun.
Lever Action Cowboy Silhouette starts on fourth Saturdays in 2004. We are sanctioned to hold these matches through May.
New Officers for 2004 are:
Left to right standing:
Bob Ross, Executive Officer; Will Schmall, President; Jim Bertrand, Secretary; Larry Novak, Action Shooting Director; Kevin Baker, Pistol Director.
Left to right seated:
Ron Calderone, Rifle Director; May Warren, Treasurer; Kathy Ross, Safety Officer; Al Speert, Vice President.