More Tucson 600 Yard Prone Matches Scheduled!
The Tucson Rifle Club, Three Points, AZ, will be hosting additional 600 yard prone matches on Sunday, March 28, 2004 and Sunday, April 25, 2004. Course of fire is two 20 shot strings with unlimited sighters for each string. Furthermore, as we did in the past two matches, we will hold the range open afterwards for any shooters who wish to fire an additional 10 or 15 shots as long as they can find a companion to share the target pulling with. Any rifle, any sights allowed (but no muzzle brakes), prone with sling or front rest or bipod or F-class. Entry fee only $5 (no awards). Range setup and squadding at 0730, start shooting at 0800. Complete program available on request in Microsoft Word format via e-mail. Any questions can be mailed to Greg Fallon Look forward to seeing you there.
Greg Fallon