International Postal Match Results
The results from the 2004 Australian International Postal Match are in. They're posted at:
The course of fire was the 50-shot National Match Course. The original closing date was 31 May 04 (later extended to 30 Jun 04).
A total of 118 shooters from Australia, the US, and the UK participated.
Rifles were classed as S1="As Issued" S2=Service Rifle-Iron S3=Match Rifle-Iron S4= Service Rifle-Optical S5=Any Rifle/Any Sight
First Place went to Tom Albanito from Phoenix with a 490-23X shooting a Match Rifle with iron sights
Second and high score for Service Rifle-Iron was Joseph Turley also from Phoenix with a 480-12X.
Third was our own Dan Rodriguez with a 479-8X.
Filtering out the chaff, here's how TRC did Overall:
3 Dan Rodriguez Tucson USA MA S2 479.08 95.82% (1st Master-SR)
17 Bob Pirisky Tucson USA EX S2 462.09 92.42% (4th Expert-SR)
31 Maury Krupp Tucson USA SS S2 449.08 89.82% (4th Sharpshooter-SR)
36 Randy Dwornik Tucson USA MK S2 440.06 88.01% (5th Marksman-SR)
41 Don Travers Tucson USA MK S2 432.04 86.41% (8th Marksman-SR)
45 Pete Wolf Tucson USA EX S2 422.05 84.41% (8th Expert-SR)
46 Kim Wood Tucson USA MK S2 421.04 84.21% (10th Marksman-SR)
48 Emil Yerhart Tucson USA MK S2 415.01 83.00% (12th Marksman-SR)
--Maury Krupp