August 2004 Archives

600 Yard Match Results - August 29, 2004


Master Class

Ron A Calderone 67 MW

Class AAA

Carl Bower 49
Andres Wirichaga 45
Rene Ortiz 59 1st
Mike Aiello 48
David Tetrault 52 2nd
Flavio Ruiz 50
David Esquivel DNF

Class AA

Tim Faras 52 2nd
Rene Menard Jr 38
Kyle Tetrault 55 1st
Joaquin Bustamante 48
Joaquin Bustamante 39
Jennifer McNeil 44
Jaime Bujanda 40
Juan Rubio 49

Class A

Ed Hertfelder 19
Joan Salgado 28
Ray Salgado 29
Ron DeWarf 45 1st

Class B

Jesus Motta 30
Marcus Esquivel 53 1st
Erika Rubio 6

Beautiful calm and humid day ! The exploding Pig pot was tied four ways and shot-off to decide the winner ! Mike Aiello came out on top to claim the $36 prize !

--Ron A Calderone, Match Director

Critters at TRC


Good thing these guys can't hear. Found this one right by the firing line.

Mike Pfander 17

Nick Moreno 15

Luis Vasquez 14
Tim Faras 10
Mike Chapdelain 4 Hunter Rifle

Ruben Reyes 11

600 Yard Prone Match Results, July 31,2004


600 Yard Practice Prone Match

Final Results

31 July 2004

Greg Fallon   Match Iron   192-7x   194-2x   386-9x
Bill Gibson   Service AR15   186-4x   193-3x   379-7x
Pete Wolf   Service AR15   189-0x   176-3x   365-3x
Jim Denovchek   Match Iron   188-5x   175-2x   363-7x
Ed Marcelli   Match Scope   176-2x   174-2x   350-4x
Ron Mendez   Service M14   181-3x   168-3x   349-6x
Bob Pirisky   Service AR15   169-1x   170-2x   349-3x
Karl Kasarda   Match Scope   190-4x      ///    
Karl Kasarda   Service AR15      ///   139-1x   329-5x
Bob Porro   Match Iron   156-0x   159-1x   315-1x
Bill Orzechowski   Service M1   161-0x   153-1x   314-1x

Boldface indicates category winner

Greg Fallon

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