30th Anniversary of Pistol Silhouette
Next year, 2005, is the 30th year since Pistol Silhouette got its start at Tucson Rifle Club on the Three Points Range.
Folks who wish to make this anniversary a special occasion are requested to kindly submit ideas about what they'd like to do to celebrate and recognize this 30th anniversary.
Use this forum to leave messages, ideas, contacts, phone numbers, ANYTHING, to help get this thing off the ground.
Jim B
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If we are thinking of an commemorative event (shoot) at the range, how about setting quickly a tentative date for such an event? I mention this, because I'd like to shoot when the whether is mild and most nice dates get filled on the range calendar quickly these days. Also, if we intend to publish this event in any of the National rags (as would seem appropriate for this celebration), they need lots of lead time.
It ought to be held in September, as that was when the first match ever was held. This means the weather won't be all that "mild," but it will be in the anniversary month.
September is the month of the anniversary BUT it is usually a tad 'hot'. I'm up for anything. Some fellows who came to the OTR shoot (Old Timers Reunion) a few weeks ago thought that we might hold the match at several ranges. Interesting idea but complicated. Their thought and supported by Pachipka is that the BAR facility has auto-set silhouette targets. And the out-of-town'ers wanted to visit more than one city. Whatever. Mike was suppose to get me his contact list of manufacturer's so that they can be contacted and get 'on their radar' so to speak for equipment contributions. I'm willing to do the begging but I would like to 'cut to the chase' and contact the right person first time out. Any ideas would be welcome.
I'm sort of like Will, in that the day job is workin' my candle on both ends.
Use the missile's lads, we'll make more.