Are You Supporting Our Young Shooters With Your State Tax Credit?
If any Arizona taxpayers want to help junior shooters for free, they can donate up to $250 to Wickenburg HS Rifle Team and get a full credit on their 2004 Arizona State taxes. One is essentially directing $250 of your state tax liability to go to the rifle team. Just get the money in by early December so the Wickenburg secretary handles the paperwork before the end of the year. Rex is hurting for guns, and wants to buy some more Rock River's.
Annoy a liberal, donate today! Coach Powers' donation request letter follows:
If you would like to help out junior shooters in Arizona, you can do so without any cost to yourself. The Arizona Legislature passed a law (ARS43-1089.01) that allows you to direct up to $250 ($200 if filing single) of your tax dollars to any program at any school. All you have to do is be a resident of the State of Arizona. This is a state tax credit. and it works like this. Write a check for up to $250 and donate it to the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team. The High School will then issue a receipt for the amount you donated, and the state will give you full credit for that amount against your taxes. This is a dollar for dollar return for your donation. Further information may be obtained by calling the Wickenburg High School Administrative Support Secretary at 928-684-6622.
Your contribution will be used to buy equipment, supplies, entry fees and transportation to matches. We just went to the National High Power Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, and placed second in Six Man Infantry Trophy. Our goal next summer is to return with a National Championship!
Your support is needed, welcome, and appreciated by all of us involved with the Junior Program.
Rex Powers, WHS Rifle Team Sponsor/Coach
Wickenburg High School
1090 South Vulture Mine Rd.
Wickenburg, AZ 85390
ATTN. Sarah Mortensbak
I am donating $______________________ to the Wickenburg High School
Rifle Team
SS#: ______________________________________
Address ____________________________________