TRC Supports the M1 for Vets Project
The M1 for Vets Project is a grass-roots program aimed at thanking our wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen for their service and sacrifice in the Global War on Terror. Rifles are presented to veterans who wish to pursue the shooting sports or collecting as part of their rehabilitation.
The project is the brainchild of John JJ OShea. An avid M1 collector and competitive shooter himself, JJ was looking for a way to honor our wounded veterans. He hit upon the idea to purchase rifles from the Civilian Marksmanship Program, refurbish them, and then present these rifles to veterans.
The M1 for Vets Project is currently administered through the Lake Norman High Power Club of Cornelius, NC. It works through other agencies such as the Walter Reed Society, Veterans of Foreign Wars Wounded Warriors, USMC Scout Sniper Association, and Operation Second Chance. The names of interested veterans are forwarded to the project where they are placed on a list and presentations are made as rifles become available.
What started as a small, personal gesture has since developed into a nationwide program. Over 40 rifles have been presented since December 2005 and there is still a waiting list.
This September Tucson Rifle Clubs monthly John C Garand Match was the venue for the presentation of an M1 Garand rifle to Robert Bartlett of Scottsdale, AZ.
Robert gave up a successful civilian career to enlist in the US Army after September 11th. Trained as a sniper, he deployed to Iraq and was severely wounded in the fighting there. Robert came to the attention of the M1 for Vets Project while he was undergoing treatment for his wounds at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
When Roberts name came up as an Arizona veteran, TRC members got together and purchased a Rack Grade M1 from CMP. After inspecting and refinishing all the parts, installing a new barrel, a new stock, and a new custom made M1907 sling the rifle was ready.
In a brief ceremony before them match the rifle was given to Robert then everyone got down to the business of shooting the match and having fun. Robert posted a very respectable score of 403-1X; not bad for a first-time competitor with a brand new unzeroed as issued rifle and plain Ball ammo.
After the match a barbeque lunch of burgers and dogs was held at the TRC Office. Proceeds will help fund another rifle should one be necessary for an Arizona vet.
At the BBQ, Robert spoke of some of his experiences in Iraq. It was very enlightening to hear from a first-hand participant what is actually going on there; without it being filtered through the eyes and agenda of the news media.
TRC Members contributing to Roberts rifle were:
Randy Dwornik
Bill Gibson
Bob Harper
Lynn Heffern
Karl Kasarda
Maury Krupp
Lee McKinney
Bill Orzechowski
Cecil Rico
Bob Ross
Jeff Schneider
Rick Smart
Alan Speert
Don Travers
Pete Wolf
Kim Wood
Funds leftover after completing this rifle plus a donation from the TRC General Fund were used to purchase another rifle which was given to Scott Barkalow, US Army who now works for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Tennessee.
For more information or to donate to the M1 for Vets Project email JJ OShea or write to:
M1 for Vets Project
c/o JJ OShea/John Friguglietti
Lake Norman High Power Club
575 Davidson Gateway Dr, Ste 101
Davidson, NC 28036
(please make any donations payable to The Lake Norman High Power Club).
For more information on TRCs participation in the project contact Maury Krupp