Tucson 1000 Yard Practice Match
In accordance with the recently announced high power rifle schedule changes at Tucson Rifle Club, next Sunday, September 24, 2006, will be the date for our next 1000 yard practice match. Event details are as follows:
Course of fire: Two 20 shot strings for record with unlimited sighters, fired from the prone position.
Rifles: Match or Service rifle. Scope or iron sights. Supported by sling or front rest (F-class) or bipod.
Time: Register and range setup at 7:00AM, begin firing 7:30AM.
Range procedure: Shooters will be divided into two relays. One relay shoots while the other pulls targets. Pit change will be done after the first relay fires both of their 20 shot strings.
Cost: $10, to cover TRC range fee and target supplies.
Awards: None. This is a practice event only. Scores are not sent to the NRA.
Safety: Eye and ear protection is required on the firing line and in the pits. Yellow "empty chamber indicator" devices are required to be in place on all rifles when not engaged in active firing.
If you plan to attend this event, please reply by e-mail NLT Friday evening so I can have an idea of the interest level and plan accordingly. As always, please advise if you have any questions.
Greg Fallon