Tucson 600 yard Match - April
As many of you know, numerous safety concerns were outlined in the recent letter from Arizona Game & Fish Division, a copy of which is posted on the Tucson Rifle Club website. Understandably, this has impacted the conduct of our monthly matches. We will attempt to hold an abbreviated 600 yard prone match on Sunday, April 1, 2007, our regularly scheduled date. Please note, however, important changes in the start time and course of fire.
Course of fire: Shooters will be divided into two relays. Each relay will be give a block time of 45 minutes. Shooters may fire as many shots as desired during this period. All firing to be done slow fire.
Position: Prone, with either a sling, bipod or front rest support (your choice).
Rifle: Service or Match, metallic sights or scope.
Awards: None provided. Scores will be not be tabulated as no specific course of fire is ordained.
Entry fee: $5.
Starting time: Range setup and squadding at 6:30AM, begin firing at 7:00AM. All firing must be completed by 9:00 AM to allow matches on adjacent ranges to commence.
Note regarding rifles: All rifles should have a known 200 yard sight setting to facilitate getting "on paper" at 600. Rear sights or scopes must have the capability to be raised at least an additional 14 minutes to be zeroed at 600. Any cal. .223 rifles must have at least a 1-9" twist barrel and must use at least 68 grain bullets to be ballistically effective at 600 yards. Muzzle brakes are prohibited by NRA rules.
Ammo: Bring your own, handloads or factory.
Safety: Eye and ear protection is required on the firing line and in the pits. Yellow "Empty Chamber Indicator" devices are required to be in place on all rifles when not engaged in active firing.
We will attempt to maintain our regular shooting schedules during this challenging period, with the understanding that a certain amount of flexibility will be necessary. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
If you have any questions, please contact Greg Fallon gcfallon@aol.com