May John C Garand Match
Just a reminder and a heads-up,
Tucson Rifle Club's monthly John C Garand Match will be held this coming Sunday 20 May 07.
Beginning *next* month Altar Valley Pistoleros will shift to afternoons eliminating the conflict with our match.
To cut them a break *this* month we're going to shoot a 40-shot match. There will be the normal 5 sighters but only 10 record shots slowfire prone. Both rapids and standing remain 10 shots.
Even with the reduced number of shots we still need to start early and step out during the match. Do not dawdle during pit changes. Once the match is complete we need to leave the range ASAP. Awards and BS sessions will be done at the range office.
Set-up will start at 0600. If the range office is closed proceed directly to the pits.
Once set-up is complete squadding will begin on the 200 yard line. We will be sending the first round downrange at precisely 0700. ANYONE NOT SQUADDED BY 0645 CANNOT COUNT ON SHOOTING.
Our desired finish time is between 1000-1030.
Match fee is $10 for adults; juniors and military shoot for free.
Ammunition is available for use in the match: Still $10 for 60 rounds of M1 Rifle or M1 Carbine.
Several privately-owned rifles and carbines are available for loan free of charge. Club ammo must be purchased and used. Contact me if you need one.
Reduced targets to simulate the standard National Match Course are available on request. Ask for them when squadding.
See you there,