M1's For Vets
The "M1s for Vets" program is again making plans to bring disabled Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans to the National Matches at Camp Perry, OH this August.
The program's coordinator, JJ O'Shea, expects to bring at least 10 shooters. He estimates it will cost approximately $500 per shooter to cover the special lodging, transportation, and other needs of these young men.
The TRC High Power Shooters Group is accepting donations to sponsor one or more of these young men.
Donations will be accepted until 20 Jul 2007. They may be mailed to:
Maury Krupp
2319 S Quail Hollow Dr
Tucson AZ 85710
Make checks payable to:
“Lake Norman High Power Club M1s For Vets Program”
If you would like to donate directly contact JJ O'Shea at jjoshea@msn.com
For more information on the program and TRC's previous contributions go to http://www.odcmp.org/1206/default.asp?page=M1S_FOR_VETS http://www.odcmp.org/0806/default.asp?page=TEAM_WRAMC http://www.tucsonrifleclub.org/blog/archives/2006_10.shtml