Every year on the weekend of Veteran's Day, the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club hosts a team High Power event to honor our veterans while simultaneously providing a venue for marksmanship, comradere and friendship amongst Arizona High power shooters.

This once a year match is, with good reason, titled the "Patriot's Match". TRC well represented Tucson in this years Patriot Match with TRC's Team "Black", comprised of Kim Wood, Jeff Schneider, Lee McKinney and Karl Kasarda. Also representing Tucson (although on the AZ Junior team) was Tyler Rico.
The Patriot Match is held all at the 200 yard line, using reduced targets for the 300 and 600 yard stages of fire. While the conditions were not particularly challenging in terms of wind, as anyone who's ever shot at PRGC knows, half the day is spent shooting nearly directly into the sun since the range faces south! With very a very bright sun, and clouds, the light was ever cycling from bright to dim, presenting it's own unique challenges through out the day.

During the 200 yard sitting rapid fire stage of fire one TRC Team Black shooter accidentally fumbled their 8 round magazine reload, and it fell in front of the firing line, totally unrecoverable. Disappointment was near at hand, as 80 vital points just tumbled into the dirt. Another
TRC member coaching at this time quickly snatched own of his own 8 round loaded mags out of his shooting stool and literally tossed it to the shooter. Not only did this different ammo have the same zero as the shooter's own ammo, the shooter went on to shoot a 95 score sitting with
very little time left! Fantastic!
To sum it up, TRC Team Black took the first place team in the match while soon-to-be High Master junior Tyler Rico shoot beat all the adults, winning the individual match with his always impressive shooting skills.
Another great set of victories for Tucson and TRC at the Phoenix matches!