TRC Website's new look and feel
Restyling of our website is now done. It has been about 3 years since our last major touch up--and about 7 years since TRC first went online! From time to time old-style pages may appear that have been overlooked. If so, send email to our webmaster with the url(s) of the page(s) in question and we'll change them over.
Some new things introduced with this restyling are a new calendar page and an upgrade of our weblog software.
The TRC calendar is now completely online. Opening our splash page extracts a two week listing of calendar scheduled events, while the main calendar page shows all scheduled events for the current year as well as past years.
Our blog software (Movable Type) has been upgraded from version 3.x to 4.x, which is basically a complete rewrite of the old software. We hope to have multiple authors contributing and editing entries with this version. Keep tuned.
If you want to look at some of the early years of the website, check out the "WayBack machine."
Some new things introduced with this restyling are a new calendar page and an upgrade of our weblog software.
The TRC calendar is now completely online. Opening our splash page extracts a two week listing of calendar scheduled events, while the main calendar page shows all scheduled events for the current year as well as past years.
Our blog software (Movable Type) has been upgraded from version 3.x to 4.x, which is basically a complete rewrite of the old software. We hope to have multiple authors contributing and editing entries with this version. Keep tuned.
If you want to look at some of the early years of the website, check out the "WayBack machine."