Washington's Birthday - 2008
The 116th Annual Washington's Birthday High Power Rifle Match will be held at Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix on Sunday 17 Feb 08.
It's a 4-shooter 50-shot National Match Course all fired from 200 yards using reduced targets to simulate the 300 and 600yd stages. Match program is available at www.geocities.com/washbday
TRC usually enters at least three teams but we will field as many teams as we have shooters to fill them.
Team entry fee is $80 ($20 per shooter). TRC has paid the full entry
fees in the past. I will ask the Board but it may not be possible this
year. Be prepared to pay a share of the entry fee.
If you want to pre-order your souvenir Washington's Birthday T-Shirt
($10) I need to know what size. You may also order your BBQ lunch
($6). I'll collect the money later.
The AZ Junior Team M1 Rifle raffle tickets should be available from Tyler
Rico ridgeline@comcast.net.
They're $2ea/3 for $5.
Uniform of the day will be a Red TRC Highpower T-Shirt. A limited
supply is still on hand: $12 for short and $13 for long sleeves. Not
all sizes available.
There are more firing points available this year but I still
expect this match to fill up fast. If you want to be on a TRC team you'll
need to get your name, souvenir T-shirt size, and lunch requests in to
me ASAP.