August 600 Yard Prone Match Bulletin

Just in case you've forgotten, TRC has a 600 yard prone match every first Sunday.  Greg Fallon is the match director.  See our calendar for more info.  This months match results as follows:

Name Rifle Sights Stage One X Stage Two X Stage Three X Aggregate X
Conventional Prone

Jim Denovchek MR Iron 183 2 189 5 193 7 565 14
Chris Osgood MR Iron 190 0 187 3 187 4 564 7
Pete Wolf MR Iron 181 3 189 3 191 7 561 13
Rick Smart MR Iron 176 3 191 7 183 4 550 14
Maury Krupp SR Iron 174 3 189 6 180 3 543 12
Roger Whitney MR Iron 187 5 192 7 DNF
379 12
Bill Orzechowski SR Iron 170 1 176 2 DNF
346 3
Rick Iotti SR Iron Scorecard AWOL



Ron Riga MR Scope 187 3 184 1 182 2 553 6


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by luiten published on August 4, 2008 8:17 AM.

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