April John C Garand Match
Just a reminder,
Tucson Rifle Club's monthly John C Garand Match will be held this
coming Sunday 19 Apr 09.
Range gate opens around 0630. If the office isn't open
yet you must still sign-in before you leave for the day.
Squadding on the 200 yardline after the pits are setup; first round
downrange at 0700.
Match fee is $10 for adults; juniors and military shoot for free.
Ammunition is available for use in the match: $10 for 60 rounds
of .30-'06 M2 Ball.
Several privately-owned rifles and carbines are available for loan free of
charge. Club ammo must be purchased and used. Contact me if you need
Reduced targets to simulate the standard National Match Course are
available on request. Ask for them when squadding.
CMP has announced its new 2009 Rapidfire Loading Procedures for the "As
Issued" Match. After standing (standing is optional in all Games Matches
under CMP Rule 9.1.9):
-Bolt Action Rifles will load and leave the bolt open. After
the shooter is in position close the bolt to chamber the
first round
-Semi-Auto Rifles with detachable magazines will close the bolt on an empty
chamber then insert a magazine. After the shooter is in
position manually cycle the bolt to chamber the first round
-M1 Rifles will load two rounds allowing the bolt to override and close on
an empty chamber. After the shooter is in position manually
cycle the bolt to chamber the first round
Shooters in the "Any Rifle" match or shooting reduced targets may choose
either the CMP procedure described above or the NRA procedure of
loading in position after the targets start to move.
See you there,
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