May TRC 1000 Yd. Match To Be At 600
This Sunday. May 24, 2009, is the 4th Sunday of the month and is the normal date for the Tucson Rifle Club 1000 yard match. HOWEVER, for this month only, we will be firing at 600 yards instead of 1000. This is at the request of the Marine Reserve Team so they can conduct additional training. Here is the plan:
Course of fire: Three strings of 20 shots each, two sighting shots for each string.
Position: Prone, with either a sling, bipod or front rest support (your choice).
Rifle: Service or Match, metallic sights or scope. Muzzle brakes prohibited.
Awards: None provided. Scores will be tabulated and forwarded via e-mail for information purposes only.
Entry fee: $8.
Starting time: Range setup and squadding at 7:00AM, begin firing promptly at 7:30AM. Be sure to sign in at the range headquarters before proceeding to the 600 yard range area.
Safety: Eye and ear protection are required on the firing line and in the pits. Yellow "Empty Chamber Indicator" devices are required to be in place on all rifles when not engaged in active firing.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Greg Fallon