Tucson July 600 Yard Match Cancellation
This is to advise that the Tucson Rifle Club monthly 600 yard prone match for July 5, 2009 is CANCELLED. As many of you know, the 600 yard line is currently unusable due to damage incurred last month. Several work parties are scheduled this week to complete the necessary repairs. Any volunteer help would be greatly appreciated. The work schedule is as follows:
There will be work parties on Fri 3 Jul through Sun 5 Jul 09 with Mon 6 Jul as a CYA day.
Start time will be around 0530 to beat the heat.
The mission is to repair the 600 yard firing line.
The plan is:
-Fri 3 Jul - Frame line with lumber, fill and level soil as much as possible
-Sat 4 Jul - Finish fill and level, rake in soil cement, water, tamp, and let cure
-Sun 5 Jul - Spread decomposed granite and finish
Bring landscaping tools (shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc), cordless power tools, and as many garden hoses as you can lay your hands on.
Also bring normal working outside in Tucson in July stuff (water, lunch, sunscreen, hat, gloves, etc, etc)
Everyone will receive a $10 Highpower coupon for each day they work.
I realize the timing could be better but it's due to circumstances beyond our control :-/
When we're done we should have a 600yd line that's as nice as the 200.
Greg Fallon
600 Yard Match Director
Range Construction