Oct 10, 2009 Night Shoot results

               Final   Standing       Stage 3 Times in seconds    
Name                Points  Rifle C/S/H Totals
1 Don T 48 18.39 11.47 29.86
2  Ken L 44 19.11 13.03 32.14
3 Phil D 44 21.94 14.1 36.04
4 Eric S 36 19.34 15.07 34.41
5  Jim K 32 13.26 11.9 25.16
6  John L 30 17.12 Par 18.00 35.12
7 Tim O 26 21.89 17.09 38.98
8  Frank W DNF +20 21.38 15.95 37.33
9  Jeff C 16 20.45 15.7 36.15
10 Gary L 10 16.43 Par 18.00 34.43
11  Craig S 8 Par 24.00 Par 18.00 Par  42.00
12 Charles B DNF -12 13.26 12.11 25.37
13  Kyle B DNF -26 13.98 Par 18.00 31.98
14  CC B DNF -28 14.8 Par 18.00 32.8

Detailed stage results can be found at http:/.../Tactical Night Shoot_Stages_ Score Sheet_October 2009.pdf


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This page contains a single entry by luiten published on October 12, 2009 1:44 PM.

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