Flowing Wells Junior ROTC rifle team breaks school & State records
JROTC rifle team busts records
Submitted by Maj. Robert De Witt
Senior Army instructor
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 12.17.2009
On Dec. 5, Flowing Wells High School JROTC buried five years of second-place frustration with a resounding win over the previously unbeaten Tuba City High School rifle team.
It capped off a nationally sanctioned match in which the top six JROTC rifle teams in Arizona -- from outside the Phoenix metro area -- converged on the Flowing Wells campus for a regional championship.
The other teams were from Buena, Dysart and Marcos de Niza high schools and Hopi Junior/Senior High School.
Teams were selected for the match based on a cumulative scoring of five previous state matches involving 12 high schools.
After the day's final shot, Flowing Wells JROTC members Tyler Rico (yep, TRC's own Tyler Rico!), Brett Coldron, Rudy Teyechea and Cody Larger had respectively taken first, third, fourth and fifth place.
The awards ceremony began with Arizona Friends of the NRA granting the $2,400 to the Flowing Wells JROTC program.
The Flowing Wells score of 2,149 is a school and state record. The team is headed to the state championship match Jan. 16 in Phoenix and hopes to move on to the national championships in March.
Submitted by Maj. Robert De Witt
Senior Army instructor
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 12.17.2009
On Dec. 5, Flowing Wells High School JROTC buried five years of second-place frustration with a resounding win over the previously unbeaten Tuba City High School rifle team.
It capped off a nationally sanctioned match in which the top six JROTC rifle teams in Arizona -- from outside the Phoenix metro area -- converged on the Flowing Wells campus for a regional championship.
The other teams were from Buena, Dysart and Marcos de Niza high schools and Hopi Junior/Senior High School.
Teams were selected for the match based on a cumulative scoring of five previous state matches involving 12 high schools.
After the day's final shot, Flowing Wells JROTC members Tyler Rico (yep, TRC's own Tyler Rico!), Brett Coldron, Rudy Teyechea and Cody Larger had respectively taken first, third, fourth and fifth place.
The awards ceremony began with Arizona Friends of the NRA granting the $2,400 to the Flowing Wells JROTC program.
The Flowing Wells score of 2,149 is a school and state record. The team is headed to the state championship match Jan. 16 in Phoenix and hopes to move on to the national championships in March.
Match Results