2010 Washington's Birthday Teams
The 118th Annual Washington's Birthday Match is now accepting entries. The match will be held at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix on Sunday 21 Feb 10.
As was the case last year, TRC will not be sponsoring any teams. But that doesn't mean we won't be putting teams together.
This year each team will have to make its own entry, pay its own way, etc, etc.
If you're already part of a four shooter team you should get your entry in ASAP.
If your team is short one or more shooters reply to this email so we can see who needs what.
If you're by yourself and want to find three other shooters reply to this email and we can try to fill gaps or put together complete teams.
If you know of someone who wants to be on a team but may not receive this notice tell them to contact me.
If you're part of the "M1 For Vets" and want to put together a team let me know. Last year the match sponsors comp'ed all vet entries; I'm sure they'll do the same this year. Or if you want to shoot on a TRC Team we'll be glad to have you.
Poole says there will be room for 80 teams but you never know. It will behoove us to get our act together and our team entries in as soon as we're able.
PS - We'll cross the "too many or too few shooters" bridge if or when we come to it.