Range Construction Improvements Starting April 4
The Tucson Rifle Club will be starting dirt work
on Monday April 4, 2011. The dirt work will be done on
three ranges to comply with AZGFD safety improvements. Dirt work will
start with the completion of the safety baffle on the High
Power Silhouette Range, and should only be shut down for a couple of
days. Equipment will then move to the Pistol Silhouette Range for the
construction of a new side baffle. The bulk of the work will
be the improvement and construction of side baffles and impact berm on the
Action Range long bay.
Please call the Range Office
for information on the current status of the ranges. Check with
match directors for any match cancellations. We will do our best to keep
everyone updated. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bill O.
Range Improvement Committee
Range Construction