Match report - Bowling Pins
Well, this was the lightest turnout since I started running this match, only four shooters showed up. A year ago there were fourteen shooters besides myself. Hmmm....
Still, the five of us had a great time! This was the first month for a specific revolver class, and there were four of us with revolvers: Don M. came with a Ruger Super Redhawk with "bunny-fart" loads (though a couple of them sounded suspiciously loud), I brought my S&W Model 25 Mountain Gun in .45LC, Travis Higgins brought a beautiful 6" Colt Python (shooting .38s), and Cliff Reed brought a Taurus 65 (also shooting .38s). Four of us also had automatics, two 1911's, a Browning Hi Power, and a Sig 229, and four of us brought .22's - three Mk IIs and one MkIII.
Since there were so few of us, we competed in pairs until one shooter was eliminated, then finished the match with the top three contenders vying for the overall win. Travis won the inaugural revolver competition, and I took .22 and the auto classes. Travis had to beat me four times to win with his Python, and did so with relative ease. I need more wheel-gun practice. (Or a lighter .45LC load. That thing THUMPS.)
There will be no match in September - I will be at the sixth annual Gun Blogger Rendezvous in Reno, Nevada that weekend. The next match will be in the fall - hopefully a cooler and less humid October 9. We will have a revolver class again - that was fun!
Hope to see you there!
Match Results