Congratulations to Chip Mate 2013 Montana State Black Powder Rifle Champ!
Facing East the range gave competitors fits during the early morning relays! Twitchy wind conditions plagued all but a few shooters. Despite their home court advantage, long time shooters like Butch Ulsher and gun-writer shooter Mike Venturino did not fare well.
Three shooters from Arizona, Chip Mate Tucson Rifle Club, Steve Rhoades and Bob De La Torre from Phoenix with the Arizona Sharpshooters made the long drive to Butte to explain that Silhouette started in Arizona! Arizona shooters rose to the top! We shoot in wind her too, folks!
After the dust settled, the threesome from Arizona finished as follows:
Chip Mate* Iron Sights MATCH Winner/ State Champion score- 64 x 80
Bob De La Torre Iron Sights 3rd place Mstr class score- 52 x 80
Bob De La Torre Scoped Class 1st place Class AA score- 56 x 80
Steve Rhoades Scoped Class 2nd place Class AAA score- 56 x 80
*Chip Mate was
Arizona State Black Powder Rifle Champ in 2012!
All competitors fired the standard forty round silhouette course including ten rounds at each of chickens (offhand) pigs, turkeys, and rams (sitting or prone). All rifles must be vintage pre-1900 era single shot rifles firing cartridges loaded with black powder topped by a lead alloy cast bullet with no gas check allowed. Scopes must be of an original turn of the century design with straight-tube of 7/8"diameter and low power factor. These competitors shot on Thursday and Friday. Iron sighted guns employ a tall rear peep sight graduated in elevation and windage to aim very accurately to or exceeding the 500 meter ram distance. These competitors shot on Friday and Saturday.
Submitted by:
Ron A Calderone
BPCR Match Director
Tucson Rifle Club