Match Results: December 2009 Archives

2010 AZ Junior Olympics results


Thanks to everyone for great USA Shooting Junior Olympic matches

Congratulations to Meike Drewell, Cody Nelson, Zach Misino, and Alex Munoz who all shot in their first matches.

Special congratulations to Tyler Rico from Tucson for a smallbore score that qualifies for the USA Shooting National Championship in Colorado Springs.  Tyler was also 1st place Overall Junior at the NRA High Power Rifle Championship this summer at Camp Perry.




To all:


We waited a whole year for an Arizona resident to win the Arizona State Championship only to be robbed once again!

I guess when you have one of the finest ranges in the United States, located in an area that has awesome weather in the winter time, you are going to get a bunch of folks jumping at the chance to get out of the cold for a week and do some shooting.

Once again the "snowbirds" denied the locals from winning the Arizona State Scope Championship.

To all:


There are so many stories to tell about this years Arizona State BPCR Silhouette Championships that I don't know where to start.

I guess the best thing to do is start with who is the 2009 Arizona State Champion.

Surprise, it's NOT Mike Rix!!

Butch Ulsher made the trip from Montana with his shooting partner Mark Griffis and worked his way back into the winners circle by putting together back to back 32X40s to secure the match win.

Saturday was smooth sailing with almost perfect weather conditions and the scores showed it but Sunday morning greeted everyone with gusting winds and chilly temperatures by Arizona standards. Most thought this was going to be a repeat of last year with the strong north winds blowing the targets down but by the end of the first relay everything was back to normal and the wind flags were hanging limp on their poles.

Keeping Butch honest were three Arizona shooters. Ron Calderone, Chip Mate and Jerry Cambern all had their eyes on the "Cactus Trophy" and the first ever Arizona resident win, but Butch is at his best when the competition is tough. Although he gave up the Sunday match win to Ron he managed to secure the overall championship with an aggregate score of 64X80.

JROTC rifle team busts records
Submitted by Maj. Robert De Witt
Senior Army instructor
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 12.17.2009

On Dec. 5, Flowing Wells High School JROTC buried five years of second-place frustration with a resounding win over the previously unbeaten Tuba City High School rifle team.

It capped off a nationally sanctioned match in which the top six JROTC rifle teams in Arizona -- from outside the Phoenix metro area -- converged on the Flowing Wells campus for a regional championship.

The other teams were from Buena, Dysart and Marcos de Niza high schools and Hopi Junior/Senior High School.

Teams were selected for the match based on a cumulative scoring of five previous state matches involving 12 high schools.

After the day's final shot, Flowing Wells JROTC members Tyler Rico (yep, TRC's own Tyler Rico!), Brett Coldron, Rudy Teyechea and Cody Larger had respectively taken first, third, fourth and fifth place.

The awards ceremony began with Arizona Friends of the NRA granting the $2,400 to the Flowing Wells JROTC program.

The Flowing Wells score of 2,149 is a school and state record. The team is headed to the state championship match Jan. 16 in Phoenix and hopes to move on to the national championships in March.

Night Shoot Results, December 12


Tactical Night Shoot    

Night Shoot Stages / Score Sheet


Date:       December 12, 2009                                   

Stage 1 Handgun Stage 2 Combo Stage 3 Handgun

 Yards= 10 to 25  Yards= 10 to 45  Yards= 10 to 25

    Any Handgun     Revolver / Rifle        Glock Md 22
Name                Points Total Points Time Points Time
1. Bill O 3 8.1 10 53.48 4 21.09
2. CC B 3 6.71 11 29.54 7 18.05
3. John L 3 16.48 15 31.31 3 22.48
4. Jim K 3 6.03 14 31.45 4 24.91
5. Jeff C  3 5.13 12 33.62 5 25.39
6.Phil D 3 8.85 10 28.93 3 18.39
7. Don T 3 17.09 11 34.21 3 20.32
8. Peter I 2 6.95 12 28.44 6 19.8
9. John B 3 19.35 13 31 0 29.39
10. Larry N 3 5.4 12 34.04 7 30.5

Tactical Night Shoot      

Date:       December 12, 2009                               

Stage 4 Handgun Stage 5 Rifle

 Yards= 10 to 45  Yards= 80 to 150

    Any Handgun                Rifle  
Name                Points Time Points Time
1. Bill O 3 3 sec par 5 30.33
2. CC B 3 3 sec par 6 19.9
3. John L 2 3 sec par 5 27.91
4. Jim K 0 3 sec par 8 62.32
5. Jeff C  1 3 sec par 5 27.29
6.Phil D 3 3 sec par 4 20.73
7. Don T 0 3 sec par 6 35
8. Peter I 2 3 sec par 5 32.81
9. John B 0 3 sec par 5 51.74
10. Larry N 3 3 sec par 8 31.67

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This page is a archive of entries in the Match Results category from December 2009.

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