Recently in Range Construction Category
Looks like we'll finish part 1 next week:

The first phase of TRC range construction is scheduled to begin on Monday September 15. This construction will include relocating the firing line of the two General Purpose ranges forward and down from the current firing lines. The construction will include a handicap access ramps to each range. The work on the HPSR will consist of relocating and rebuilding the target setter safety bunkers.
During the construction period, the HPSR, 100 Yard public and the Black Powder Range will be closed one at a time. Starting with #1,then #2, then #3.
While work is in progress, the 100 yard sight-in range adjacent to the 500m range will be closed. Additionally, note that Border Patrol is scheduled to use the Blackpowder range adjacent to the 100 yard site-in range Monday through Friday, 9a.m. - noon. The bottom line is that open shooting positions on the public ranges will be difficult or impossible to schedule (especially in the mornings) for duration of construction.
Work is estimated to be completed no sooner than Monday, January 21st, but may extend a bit longer depending on progress. Please call the Rangehouse for current range status (520-822-5189; Cells: 603-7873 or 603-7891) before coming out to Three Points--especially if you are planning on using any of the above ranges from now through next week.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, The Arizona Game and Fish Department will begin the construction of the side safety berm on the High Power Silhouette Range. The construction will be completed on October 16, 2007. During the construction period, the High Power Silhouette Range, the 100 Yard Public and the Black Powder Range will be closed.
All other ranges at TRC will remain open!
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Over the next three to four weeks the club will be doing several projects to bring various ranges up to the safety standards required by AZ Game & Fish.
First priority is to build dirt and telephone pole target stand berms at 25, 50, and 75 yards on the public ranges. These will raise the target heights to the same level as the shooter reducing the chance of a ricochet off the hard pan of the range floor.
Second priority is to build a wall along the right side of the 1000 Yard firing line. Once it is built G&F will allow the simultaneous use of the 1000yd, Action, and Pistol Silhouette Ranges.
This wall will be built of telephone poles, plywood walls, and dirt fill. It needs to be 100ft long and 12ft high.
Goodbye Moon Dust!
Tucson Rifle Clubs newly refurbished 200 yard firing line got its baptism of fire Sunday 31 Dec 06 with a 40-shot Inaugural High Power Rifle Match.
Fourteen shooters (including two juniors) turned out to cut the ribbon on the first of several rehabilitation and enhancement projects planned for TRCs 1000 Yard Range.
Stop by and check them out::