TRC Contact Information
- Location:
Tucson Rifle Club, Inc.
Three Points Public Shooting Range
18300 West Ajo Highway
Tucson, AZ 85735-9729
- Phone:
- Correspondence (all mail should be sent to):
Tucson Rifle Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 18047
Tucson, AZ 85731-80479
- President:
- Vice-President/Executive Officer:
- Secretary/Treasurer:
- Operational/Safety Officer:
- Action Shooting Director:
- Rifle Shooting Director:
- Silhouette Shooting Director:
- Chairman:
- Members: OPML President,
TRC Members—
- Ex Officio:
Action Pistol:
- Blackpowder Rifle (NRA):
- Old Pueblo Muzzle Loaders (OPML): Gary Dickens, 520-881-4460
- Saguaro 1000 Yard Bench Rest: ;
- FCSA 1000yd Benchrest Match: ;
- High Power NRA - Roy Dunlap: ;
- High Power NRA - JC Garand: ;
- High Power NMC - Practice:
- Smallbore Rifle Prone: ;
- 1000 Yard Rifle Prone:
- 600 Yard Rifle Prone: ;
- Tactical Night Shoot (TNS):
- TRC Action Practice Match, Battle Rifle Challenge:
- TRC Three Gun Group (TGG): (Primary); (Secondary)
- Cowboy Action: (No longer held at TRC)
- Blackpowder Rifle (NRA):
- Cowboy Rifle:
- High Power Rifle Silhouette (NRA):
- Levergun Rifle Silhouette:
- Pistol Silhouette IHMSA/NRA Match:
- SAWC Praire Dog & Ironman Shoot: , 520-884-1330 (Address subject heading to: Andy, SAWC)
- Smallbore Silhouette (NRA) - Rifle:
a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee. He shall be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees, and shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to his office. At the January meeting each year, the President will verify with the Treasurer that the Club is covered by an active liability insurance policy.
Before the February meeting each year, the President will present the next calendar year's Base Calendar of recurring monthly shooting events to the Executive committee for review. The final Base Calendar will be on the February meeting agenda for approval and action.
b) Vice-President: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or at his request.
c) Secretary: The Secretary shall conduct or act as point of contact for all official correspondence pertaining to the proper preparation and forwarding of all reports required of the Club by the National Rifle Association and by the Director of Civilian Marksmanship. He shall notify the members of special and annual meetings, as required in Article VI. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Club and have custody of the books and papers of the Club except the Treasurer's books of account. All applications of membership in the Club shall be made to the Secretary or a person designated by the Secretary. He or the designee shall be responsible for the collection of all dues and shall remit same to the Treasurer. He shall be responsible to report at each annual meeting or at any other time upon request of the Executive Committee. He shall maintain the list of Club members.
d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Club and place the same in such bank or banks as may be approved by the Executive Committee. Such money shall be withdrawn by check signed by the Treasurer and President. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all transactions and render a detailed report at any meeting of the Executive Committee when requested and annual report to the organization at its annual meeting. The Treasurer's records may be audited by a committee appointed by the President prior to the annual meeting.
e) Executive Officer: The Executive Officer will be the point of contact to coordinate and schedule all events of the Club and range with respect to other ranges. The Executive Officer will be responsible for the annual TRC inventory. The completed inventory of Tucson Rifle Club property shall be presented to the Executive Committee at the May meeting.
f) Safety Officer: The Safety Officer will be responsible for maintaining safe arrangements at the range. The Safety Officer will establish safety rules for the various ranges, and be in charge of all Club activities pertaining to promotion of safety classes held on the range. The Safety Officer shall approve any matches and their courses of fire that are held on any scheduled basis at the range.
g) Members of the Executive Committee that have four unexcused absences from meetings in a calendar year shall be removed from the Executive Committee and replaced according to Section VII, pargraph (f) of the bylaws.
h) Rifle, Pistol, and Action Shooting Directors: These Directors shall be points of contact and coordination for activities or matches that involve the given discipline. These Directors shall provide the Executive Officer a completed inventory of all Tucson Rifle Club property used by their discipline no later than May 1 of each year.
i) Rangemaster: The duties of the Rangemaster are to
- Oversee daily range operations.
- Post, distribute, and enforce Range Rules
- Maintain Visitor Log. All range visitors must sign in.
- Collect and record Daily Use Fees and other range receipts and forward to the Treasurer.
- Collect membership applications and dues and forward to the Secretary or appointed alternate.
- Coordinate schedule for matches and training classes. Maintain range log and calendar. The Rangemaster is the point of contact.
- Set work schedules for range staff.
- Schedule and supervise range maintenance.
- Schedule and supervise range improvement projects.
- Attend regular monthly meetings.
- Secure buildings, range entrance, and other range property when the range closes.
- Perform and/or supervise other duties assigned by the Executive Committee.
- Assist the Rangemaster in daily range operations.
- Enforce Range Rules
- When staffing the Front Office, ensure Visitor Log is signed, collect Daily Use Fees and other range receipts, distribute and advise on Range Rules, and manage the supply of target frames, sandbags and other equipment.
- Periodically walk the public ranges to ensure safety rules and Range Rules, in general, are observed.
- Perform minor range maintenance, cleaning and general upkeep.
- Repair and reface target frames.
- Perform other duties assigned by the Rangemaster and/or the Executive Committee.