Three Points Range Facilities
The ranges at the Three Points facility all face in a northernly direction. (See our aerial views.)
Moving from East to West along the facility, the ranges are as follows:
Moving from East to West along the facility, the ranges are as follows:
- High Power Rifle (Milt Hood) Silhouette Range.
This range is equipped with a covered firing line and concrete benches for shooting from rest. Maximum range is 500 meters. Silhouette targets and stands are positioned at 200 meters (chickens/gallinas), 300 meters (pigs/javelinas), 385 meters (turkeys/guajolotes), and 500 meters (rams/borregos).
Shooting at the fixed gongs is allowed using any firearm.
Shooting at the free standing animal silhouettes has the following exceptions:
- No centerfire cartridge rifle with a bore of less than 6mm (cal .243), e.g., .223.
- No belted magnums are to be shot at the free standing silhouette animal targets.
- No armor piercing ammunition is to be shot at the free standing animal silhouettes.
- No animal silhouettes are to be moved to different target lines.
Wooden target frames may be placed at any safe distance.
- No centerfire cartridge rifle with a bore of less than 6mm (cal .243), e.g., .223.
- Public Sight-In Range.
This range is equipped with a covered firing line and concrete benches for shooting from rest. Maximum range is 100 meters.
- Blackpowder Range.
This range is equipped with a covered firing line with shooting benches and maximum range of 100 meters. It is to be used for blackpowder or blackpowder substitute (e.g. Pyrodex) firearms only. It may be used by smokeless powder firearms only with the permission of the Rangemaster.
- Smallbore Rifle Silhouette Range (aka .22 Range).
This is a covered firing line with concrete benches. This range is restricted to rimfire rifles and pistols. No center-fire cartridge firearms are allowed. The range is equipped with manually re-settable target silhouettes on the West side of the range for practice. Practice gongs are located at the 40 meter, 60 meter, 77 meter, and 100 meter target lines.
- DPS Range.
This is a partially covered firing line. The maximum range is 100 yards. Use by permission of the Rangemaster only.
- Pistol Silhouette Range.
This is a covered firing line with benches. This range is restricted to pistols only (long guns are allowed only in pistol caliber and only during NRA Cowboy Action matches). This range is equipped with gongs and free standing steel animal silhouettes at 50 meters (chickens), 100 meters (pigs), 150 meters (turkeys) and 200 meters (rams). It also has Hunter/Field pistol practice targets at 25, 50, 75 and 100 meters from the firing line. Wooden frame targets may be located at any safe distance from the firing line. As with the rifle ranges, the steel animal silhouette targets are not to be relocated from their designated distances from the firing line.
- Multipurpose Action Ranges.
This is a multi-use range area. Ammunition used is restricted to cast bullets only in the short range shooting bays. Due to the close range of the steel targets, copper jacketed, copper-washed, or lead bullets equipped with gas-checks are prohibited. Shotguns (with any shot shell) or rifles and pistols firing straight cased, cast bullet, ammunition are allowed.
- High Power Rifle Range.
This range is designed for National Match Course matches. It is equipped with 15 firing points with firing lines at 200, 300, 600 and 1000 yards (covered) from the target area.
Junior shooters are welcome, however, those shooters under 14 years of age are to be under the direct and close supervision of a responsible adult. The adult supervisor of a junior (or trainee) shooter must to be in close proximity (one step away) from the junior (or the unskilled adult) shooter when the new shooter is on the firing line or handling firearms. An adult must supervise all shooters under 18 years old, regardless of the supervised shooter's experience level.